Sadler’s Alaska Challenge

Sadlers 2000

During the summer of 2000, I was looking for an adventure – I was home from my first year of college and even though it was great to be back in AK, I felt discombobulated. I tried to distract myself by filling my days as full as possible by working, coaching soccer, house-sitting, camping, hiking, etc. But I still wanted to find something more. And then I found it: Sadler’s Alaska Challenge.

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The Amazing Dr. Faulkner


You know those things you don’t really want to do, so you put them off, and put them off… but eventually they catch up to you and you just have to grit your teeth and do it? Visiting the optometrist (or doctor, or dentist) is generally one of those things on my not-super-fun list, but last week my long overdue visit to the eye doc finally caught up to me. I dragged myself to the appointment early one morning… and then remembered why it’s not so bad after all: Dr. Faulkner is pretty darned amazing.

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Stories Around Town: Mosquitos, Ship Creek, and Happiness

giant mosquitoDang those mosquitos are nasty this year! I snapped this giant bloodsucker painting (it spans the entire back of a truck) between slapping mosquitos and sneezing violently (because allergies are nasty this year too). With that loveliness, please enjoy some of my favorite stories from the week.

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