Thank You, APU

Aerial Dancers

There’s lots to love about Anchorage’s Alaska Pacific University. And yes, Jimmy Fallon’s “Thank You Notes” music by The Roots played in my head while writing this…

Thank You, APU:

  • For investing in a kick ass ski team (home to Olympians and the USSA Coach of the Year!)
  • For lowering tuition costs (a drop of 34%!) when it seems like everyone else in the country is increasing costs
  • For throwing a super-cool gala and inviting aerial dancers to do their thing in a hangar on Kulis (photo above)
  • For offering small class sizes (big fan of this – I experienced both during college: 200+ class during my study abroad in Australia v. a ten person class at Whitman; for me, the depth of learning was far superior in smaller classes)
  • For programs like the 100 mile club to keep your community fit
  • For supporting Alaska’s entrepreneurs (did you know we were just ranked #4 in CNN Money’s 10 most entrepreneurial states line-up? )

And, congratulations on more than 50 years in Alaska!

Author: Gretchen Fauske

I love Anchorage. I love what it is, what it's been, and what I dream it will be. I share my adventures with DJ (my husband), my fabulous family and friends, two frenchies named Grover and Teddy, and now, all of you. If you love Anchorage too, get in touch - guest posts are welcome!